Week 4 — 50 Renderings

Brendon Rasombath
3 min readMar 2, 2021


Hey everyone!

For this week’s assignment, I was tasked to pick a physical object — any object, organic or artificial — and make 50 different versions/renderings of it, changing and varying the style for every iteration I could render it in, as well as its form, without losing the essence of the thing. I was able to use any medium, format, material, shape, tool, etc. that was desired, and work within two or three dimensions.

This assignment is about building skills in creative perception, interpretation, and representation, and learning to ‘see differently’ when translating something into different expressions of it!

Beginning The Process

To start off this assignment, I began to brainstorm and generate a list of everyday objects that I felt that could be a part of this process. After speculation, I ultimately decided to choose “keys” as the object that I wanted to perform 50 renderings/versions on.


Here are some visual sketches that I have gathered together while thinking about the multiple forms of “keys”.

Upon sketching, these few questions had came into mind:

  • What is a key?
  • What should a key look like?
  • What are some unique designs that keys can imitate?
  • What sizes and shapes do they resemble?
  • What are some of the common colors of a key consists of?
Multiple sketches of random different keys that have came to mind. Used GoodNotes on my iPad Air to sketch these out!

Thinking Outside of the Box

Upon sketching the different variations of a “key”, I began to expand my perspectives upon the object and thought of several interpretations of a “key” that I viewed and validated as acceptable alternative forms.

Here is a link to a collage of pictures that I have posted by using Miro as a platform to showcase the interpretations: https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_lRo1B0s=/

OR you can view the collage here!

Used Miro to showcase the collage of pictures that I interpreted as alternative versions of “keys”

For all of you Sailor Moon fans, here are some KEY representations! :)

Space-Time Key used by Sailor Mini Moon
The “Space-Time Key” is a magical item from the Sailor Guardian of Space-Time, Sailor Pluto, It was used to travel back in time within the anime series.


I truly enjoyed this specific assignment as there was much creativity expressed through my thought processes. At first, I honestly deemed this assignment to be very confusing and difficult to maneuver as I was unsure on how to approach this topic. So, I began to ponder on such items that could be showcased as an everyday object and have some 2D/3D visual representations. For me, brainstorming did help a lot on the beginning of the process before diving deep into the logistics of the assignment itself.

I also was content on doing some sketches that visually represent my thought processes as I began to think a multitude of different variations of “keys”. Although my sketches does not have the best of artistic abilities, I am pretty satisfied with the authentic, yet subtle, appearances. :)

Overall, I realized the importance of how one’s creativity can always be innovated and expanded again once more just by thinking of one simple object. I guess the saying “To reinvent the wheel is to duplicate a basic method that has already previously been created or optimized by others.” applies a lot within this assignment!



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